Living Stones

you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house 1 Peter 2:5

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

God is Good

God is good, all the time. This Easter I was reminded of this fact again and again throughout the day. In the morning, Mike and I gathered to celebrate our Lord’s resurrection with others in our small, inner-city church. Singing the hymns of the faith I’d sung as a child, I’d just begun to be able to sing them again without the tears streaming down my face. They bring back memories of my childhood, and especially of my parents.

Two years ago at Easter, my parents were with us in this same church, my Mom’s frail body confined to a wheelchair, but her spirit as strong and sweet as ever, my Dad by her side. On the afternoon of that day, we gathered at the home of our oldest daughter, her husband and their two children, and our youngest daughter and her new boyfriend also joined us. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day, and I certainly felt the warmth of God’s goodness and love on that day. We all enjoyed the good food and the younger generations continued with getting acquainted around the basketball hoop outside.

Within five months of that Easter day, both of my parents passed away from this life and into the next. I miss them so much, but I also know that they’re now realizing God’s goodness in a way that I can only get a small glimpse of here on this earth.

A month after that Easter, a granddaughter was born to our daughter and her husband in Oregon, and we continue to celebrate her lively addition to our family. The new boyfriend of our youngest daughter became a welcome member of our family a year later, and a year after that, another precious granddaughter came to join us. God is good.

This year after our Easter celebration in church, Mike and I gathered again at the home of our oldest daughter and her husband, but this time it was with a different group of people. It was again a beautiful, sunny day, another very special time. Though we missed those who had moved away or who had moved on, it was a wonderful reminder that the God whom we celebrate this day, has not only blessed us with our own families, but has also given us a much larger family to be a part of. God is indeed good.

Monday, April 17, 2006


Tomorrow will be two weeks since I promised my daughter that I’d start my own blog. Perhaps because I’m a middle-aged person, it's taken me longer than I thought it would to get started. Being a perfectionist doesn’t help, either. But, a promise is a promise. We'll see where it leads me.